Monday, June 29, 2009
Holy Cow.
Here's how this plays out.....
$355 IUI
$50 Ovidrel Trigger
$40 Progesterone Suppositories
$30 Follistim
$280 per ultrasound (first two are paid for)
Totaling a whopping $1,315.00 for a 25% chance at getting pregnant.
Anyway-back to baby making info. Here is my amazing and scary schedule that we will be starting either September 10th or July 23rd.
Start Provera for 10 days to induce period.
CD1- Set up day 3 appointment
CD3-Transvaginal u/s and b/w-hopefully get the ok to start Follistim
CD 4-Injection
CD 6-B/W & U/S & Injection
CD 7-Injection
CD 8-B/W and U/S & Injection
CD 9- Injection
CD 10-B/W and U/S & Injection
CD 11-Injection
CD 12-B/W and U/S
(Trigger sometime around CD12)
CD 13-Nothing!!
CD15-28-Progersterone Suppositories
Wait and pray, wait and pray....
Moving On.
I'm going to go ahead and call this cycle a huge bust. My ultrasound showed one extra large follicle (measuring 29mm) but I'm thinking it was a cyst. We did the trigger shot on Thursday night and I should have ovulated on Saturday, but according to my temps I don't think I did. I know the Ovidrel cause some crazy temperatures, but mine are still around my baseline. I have a p4 check on Friday which will give us some more answers, but I'm going with my gut.
I had talked to Dr.C's nurse and she suggested we continue on the Femara and do interuterine artificial insemination (IUI). However, after this month of only having one follicle we've decided to move onto injectables. I'm excited and nervous. Excited because this means we're one step closing to getting pregnant and nervous for a million reason. What if this doesn't work? How are we going to afford $1,500 a month for 3-4 months if the first few don't work? How are we going to afford IVF or adoption if the IUI doesn't work? What if I overstimulate and we have to convert to IVF? So many questions, but it's out of our hands and in God's. I've been praying alot and just trying to let it go, let him guide our hearts and our bodies through this struggle.
Anyway, Dr. C is supposed to call me this morning and let me know which meds I'll be taking so we can check with insurance and see how much that will cost us. We have a class on July 21st to learn how to properly inject myself with the new meds, I guess it's not as easy as my trigger shots! I've been warned about bruising like this:

Thursday, June 25, 2009
I need a drink.
CD 16 U/S
July: Femara, Trigger?, IUI
August: Break cycle (since we'll be starting injects)
September: Injectables & IUI
October: Injectables & IUI
November: Injectables & IUI
December/January: IVF
I still can't believe how quickly things are moving along, which is good and bad. Good because the months are moving quickly but bad because every month has been a bust. I also think we'll try atleast one or two IVF cycles before we continue with adoption. My insurance pays for part of the procedure so we'll end up paying about $5k out of pocket, compared to adoption-that isn't too bad. However, it all depends on what our successrate will be, etc. And maybe, we'll get pregnant this month and our timeline won't even matter, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the months ahead.
I also forced myself to change my perspective. I kept making future plans by "but if I'm pregnant then...". I'm going to stop that. I need to live as if we won't have a baby for years and enjoy this time! I need to shop for news clothes, not think, "but I might need maternity clothes soon". I need to plan vacations and trips and enjoy this time with Jeff and I! That's is my mid-year resolution!
Monday, June 22, 2009
1.) I'll be due in June and have always wanted a spring/summer baby. Then we can have outdoor birthday parties!
2.) We'll have my car paid off in May which means one less bill a month.
3.) In May we get bonuses, which means I'll still be working and I'll get my May bonus!
4.) I'll have a baby just in time to enjoy the beautiful summer weather and lose all the baby weight with daily walks!
That's all I can think of for now. Granted, I'd love to get pregnant this month but it's easier for me if I convince myself that this isn't the best month ;-)
Today is CD12, we're BDing every day this week because I do not want to miss my surge! (I think I missed it last cycle). I'll update once I get a + OPK!
Monday, June 15, 2009
No cysts!
Cheryl was my nurse, she's one of my favorites. She never makes me feel stupid and always explains everything. Love her! Anyway, my right side was beautiful. There was already about 5 follicles, very small, but growing! The left, was a different story. My artery was blocking the view so she had to real poke around to get a view. Honestly, her chest was against my knees and I think her hand was almost in my croch. Gross, and painful, I know. Anyway, after about 7 minutes she finally got a good pic. There weren't any follies growing that much and I did have a 2mm blood/fluid filled sac. This happens after you ovulate and the follie releases the egg. Blood/fluid can come back into the ovary and make a little sac. That's basically what happened. But since it was only 2mm she wasn't concerned at all. So, hopefully my right ovary keeps growing strong and we have a successful cycle!
Oh, and no u/s or trigger this month unless I don't have a +opk by the 16th. We're gonna see if I O on my own this month since AF came on her own!
I also have an appointment with my OB today. I wanted to meet him and discuss everything. He has delivered all my cousins children and everyone loves him, he's very well known in DM! I had an appointment with him but m/c and cancelled. Then he told my cousin I should come in anyway and we can discuss my future pregnancies/etc! So I'll update after that appointment today!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
AF Won
I called my RE and he said that I probably O'ed on cd14 like I thought and just because I didn't have fluid in my uterus doesn't mean I didn't O (like the u/s tech said!) He was out of town, of course, but oh well. He wants us to do another cycle on 7.5mg of Femara with TI. He said to come in on CD16 if I haven't had a +opk and then we'll do a trigger shot.
If this next cycle doesn't work we may try an IUI, but we'll see. Saturday morning I also have to have an u/s to check and see if the cysts went away. Let's hope and pray they did!! Updates then!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
On another note we're going to go look at a house about 30 minutes from where we live now. It's a smaller town, were I grew up and has a great school system for our future kids. There is a new development they are building out there and Jeff and I have thought about possibly building a house out there in a year or so. Depends on where on this baby making stuff goes....
I'll update with pics of the houses (there are 3 floor plans we're looking at). The homes are so beautiful, with 4 bedrooms and a huge mudroom-which has been my dream! lol
Gotta get back to work........ugh.........
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Staying +
However-on a happy note Jeff suggested we get tatoos of ducky! I'm getting a white one of a little ducking (haven't decided where) just so I can remember him forever. Jeff is going to get his done in black, I think the words "Ducky" somewhere small on his bod. Ill update with pics when we get around to that!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Ovidrel = Mood Swings
Well, off to work. I need some caffiene and bad food today :-) lol Oh, and maybe a sick day to lay in bed with hubby alllll day and watch movies. Or weekends have been sooo packed for soo long I don't remember when we had an 'us' day. Guess we should get used to that, huh?