Monday, July 13, 2009

Beta Neg/AF Arrived

I had my beta on Friday, it was a BFN. The nurse, Tiffany, called and we talked about how the Femara was producing one big egg and I was having strong ovulation but the timed intercourse wasm't really working. She said she also thought it was a good idea to move onto injectables and an IUI. She also ended the conversation saying she really hoped next month was our month!! Yah! So nice to have such a sweet nurse!

Oh, and then AF showed up Friday evening, of course.

The plan?! Taking injectable class on July 21st. Start provera July 27th to induce my period. Then go in for my CD3 ultrasound on or around August 8th. U/S and injectables following for 2 weeks and then...artificial insemination! Yah! I'm very excited. The bad part is that I will either have to test while we are in San Diego (could be good or bad) or I'll find out right before we leave. Hopefully it will be good news, but if not, then I'll be enjoying the sun and fun and I won't even be bummed about a BFN.


  1. I'm sorry, hun! BFNs always suck - especially when you "feel" preggo. I've been there!
    So glad you are looking forward and excited about the next step!!!
    I hope the nurse is right and next month is your month!!

  2. Jess, I'm so sorry about your BFN. I'm glad that you've got a plan and that you feel good about your plan. I'm praying and hoping that next month is your month!

  3. I am so sorry about your BFN. I know it is so hard. I am just starting IUI with injectables. Maybe we will both have good luck.

  4. I just found your blog..sorry that AF arrived. Good luck w/ the IUI, I am getting ready to do my 2nd IUI. I will be following your journey.
