Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mood Kill.

I just got crabbier. I found out that we have to have a break between each IUI cycle. So August we do IUI, if that results in BFN we can't do another until October. Ugh..... Which means if IUI fails us we won't start IVF or adoption until Marchish. But maybe I'll ask to do only 3-4 IUI instead of 5-6...

I'm crabby and frusterated today. I want to go home and lay on my hammock. However, the house needs cleaned up a bit and groceries need bought. Blah, don't want to!!

I wish I was 3 again so I could throw a temper tantrum! lol


  1. I'm sorry there will be more waiting for you. Your comment about wishing you were 3 again is so true. There are many days when I want to throw a temper tantrum and just scream about how unfair all of this is!

  2. I'm sorry that you have to take a break between each cycle. I know how you feel - some days I'll see a child throwing a temper tantrum in the library and just bawling and I wish that I could do the same! I'm praying that you'll get your BFP with your first IUI!
