Oh..what a day. We got home from San Diego and I decided to take the last digital (First Response Gold) pregnancy test. Stupid me...took it and it said "no". As in, no your not pregnant. I bawled, of course. Jeff was super upset to and went through every possible explanation. So I took a dollar store one and got a positive. Went to the store and bought a clear blue easy digital test and got another positive. I hate this!! I think my urine wasn't concentrated enough or maybe the temp change from our flight messed it up. All we can do is pray our bab(ies) are ok.
Yes..I know I need to PUT DOWN THE TEST. But, I can't. We bought a 5 pack test which means I will use all of them this week until my blood test at MIF on Friday at 9:30am. Hopeing for a high beta!! (I want 300, but will be happy with 100...haha!)
Congrats...that is amazing news!! Those tests are all different as far as sensitivity, I am sure that can really mess with your head. I hope your beta is high!!!