Sorry I haven't gotten around to posting about the embryo transfer yesterday! Not to say I haven't had the time, bed rest really sucks. But the nurse gave me strict orders to lay flat, with one pillow, at all times unless I need to sit up to eat or got potty. UGH....I don't like this. But it's for the babes...right?
So, right now I'm laying flat with my head propped up with two (Gasp!) pillows so I can type away. The embryo transfer went well and was pretty easy. In the morning I got up and inserted my Prometrium and took a Valium. Jeff came home to pick me up and we were off. We had to wait forever but finally got called back where we changed into our scrubs/hospital gown.

We were then lead into the transfer room where Dr. Cooper, a student doing her rounds, and Tiffany the nurse were there. Dr. Cooper said, "Are you ready for twins?" Haha-YES! My bladder was so full so I was trying very hard not to pee on Dr. C. (lol, ok not really-but I felt like I could!) Basically Dr.C just inserted a speculum (which hurt soooo bad!) and then inserted a catheter into my uterus. Holley, the egg donor nurse, gave Dr.C the little pink container holding our babies. (Oh-only 2 made it through the whole entire procedure, so we transfered those two) Then Tiffany did an ultrasound on my uterus and found the little white area where the embryos needed to be 'dropped off'. Dr.C inserted them into the uterus. I then had to lay on the bed for 30 minutes with my leg/butt tilted upwards. We got a picture of our beautiful babies. After all our research Jeff and I could tell right away they were pretty fragmented (which means they aren't a very good quality) but Dr.Cooper was optomistic and said they looked great. We are just trying to keep our heads up and know we aren't the experts so we won't look into the fragmentation too much. Just pray we are blessed with two beautiful babies.
Bed rest hasn't been fun, to say the least. I try so hard not to stress and relax, which stresses me out more. I just feel like if I move the wrong way, get up too many times to pee, cry too much, stress to much, not talk to them enough they won't implant and I'll feel terrible. I don't want to fail Jeff, he deserves to be a daddy! I'm trying to keep my hopes up though and praying alot. God can work miracles, let's pray our little test tube babies are one of those miracles.
Here's Krue Jackson and Giana Rose.

To say the least I've been a basket case, crying/bawling one minute and fine the next. It's the stupid hormones.
Alot of people ask what we'll do if this doesn't work, to be honest, I don't know. Physically I could do it again. The pain wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Emotionally, it's been so hard. I have a huge weight on my shoulders. IF we aren't pregnant this cycle we will meet with Dr.Cooper and see what he thinks. Why didn't our eggs make it, why are they all fragmented, what's the chance of next cycle getting healthier eggs? Then we'll discuss cost. Another cycle will cost us about 8k while adoption (after the tax credit) will be about the same cost and we will actually become parents from wondering if the cycle will work, etc. Jeff wants to try again but we'll see. We won't make any decisions until January...until then we'll relax and recoop.
But enough negativity!! Gotta go watch some tv and keep my embies warm. Hm...I love the feeling of having two beautiful, healthy babies in me. Now, I just pray they love it so much in there they stay!
Best of luck, Jess! I'm glad that the ET went well. You're in my prayers, I'm praying for a BFP for you! When is your beta?
ReplyDeleteJess I'm praying that this time works for you!! Can't wait to hear that you two are expecting....TWINS!!