This post is going to be down right bitchy, but live with it and listen up! (Ok...I'm trying to be a hardass and it's so impossible! haha. I'm a little crabby and this is annoying me soo...please do read this post with an open mind and remember that just because something didn't work for U doesn't mean it won't work for US or that we can't try it out).
Cloth Diapers.....
Now, I plan on staying home. I plan on us being pretty poor, I think that comes with being young, married and parents. But I would give anything to be a monmy (including a huge chunk of change-(IVF)) so I'm trying to be frugile. I want to try cloth diapers for a million reasons. I know so many friends that use cloth and love them. They are better for the environment, will save us HUNDREDS, and keep babies bum from getting diaper rash. Oh and guess what?! Cloth diaper babies are proven to potty train sooner. With that being said please realize that cloth diapers aren't what they used to be. Yes..there are still prefolds (see pic below) that our parents/grandparents used to use but cloth diapers have really grown and become amazing. There's many different kinds and I'm going to steal a post from a friend of mine..Tiff ( help you all understand a little more about cloth diapers.
Snappi now that is easy to use and much less dangerous! You need to put a diaper cover on over a prefold if you don't want leaks. Prefolds and covers are definitely the least expensive way to go. We initially started cloth diapering with a diaper service. The service uses only prefolds. They were easier to use than I thought they would be, although Ian never really loved them. I plan on using prefolds for our next kiddo during the newborn stage. 
Fitteds: Fitted diapers are the shape of a 'sposie, and generally go on easily with velcro or snaps. You should use a cover over fitteds. (Although, Oli often goes around the house in fitteds with no cover for an hour or so, because it lets his bum breathe a bit.) The fitteds we have: Wallypop: Love, love, LOVE these! Wallypop diapers in general are great. We have several (very cute) fitteds, some with snaps and some with touchtape. I prefer the touchtape. I chose an edge-sewn soaker, so the diapers are very absorbent but still dry quickly.
Thirsties: We have a few Thirsties Fab Fitteds, and I really like them. They are not the most absorbent, but they are great for daytime, super easy to use and pretty trim. I'm not a fan of the velcro, however.
Happy Heiny's:We have one Happy Heiny's 'Happy Hempy' fitted, with a pocket. I bought it at Little Padded Seats in Valley Junction and the owner told me it's a great nighttime diaper. And wow, is it! Hemp is super absorbent. And the Happy Hempy also has a pocket, so I stuff it with extra hemp and microfiber, put a cover on, and Oli is good to go all night!
Baby Beehinds: We have one BBH bamboo fitted, and I really like it. It's not very trim, but it's absorbent. We used it overnight a couple nights ago and it worked like a charm.
Pocket diapers are what they sound like: They have a pocket that you can stuff with whatever kind of absorbent material you want. Most pockets do not need a cover.

Fuzz Bunzz: Most of our pockets are Fuzzi Bunz. I like the snaps, although sometimes it's hard to snap now that Oli is constantly trying to dive off the changing table. There are two rows of snaps, so I can get the diaper to fit perfectly, which is difficult with Oliver's thin body and chunky thighs. When bought new, they come with microfiber inserts. We have been using these every day since December and they are in perfect condition still.
Happy Heiny's: We have one Happy Heiny's pocket, and I don't even really remember where I got it. I wasn't a fan immediately for some reason, but now I really like it. The velcro is the wide kind and isn't fraying. All-In-Ones (AIO): AIOs are diapers that go on just like disposables – no stuffing, no cover. They are fool-proof and great for babysitters. They tend to take longer to dry, however.
Bumware: I hated this diaper at first. No idea why. Now it's my favorite AIO that we have. It's super trim, and great for out-and-about. Not super absorbent, but great for regular daytime use.
BumGenius Organic: If BumGenius used different velcro, I would love this diaper. The inside is made with organic cotton, and the sling-style lining makes it dry quicker. I just don't like the closures on BumGenius diapers in general. With that said...I appreciate your opinions and concerns but if I want to try cloth diapering, damnit-shut your mouth and let me try it!! (:-) ) I wouldn't make fun of someone for homeschooling. Yes, I think it's crazy and doesn't help the child to develop socially but I would never bash someone for trying it. So, please be respectful of our decision and let us try new things. If we hate it you can all say (to yourselves) I told you so and if not...then I will be nice and not say a word :-)