Ok, I'm only 8 weeks 5 days but 9 weeks is close enough! Today we met with Dr.M, my OB and had another ultrasound. The appointment went well...just basic questions and answers and check ups. Everything looked good. We got a box of reading info and a pacifier-haha. We also got info on different classes we could sign up for and testing that they do. I think we'll start some classes after the holidays (around 25 weeks or so). I want to take a breastfeeding class and a childbirth/baby basics class also. We are going to do the First-Tri Screening for down syndrome and Trisonomy 18. It's basically just an ultrasound that measures a space in the neck to check for downs and measures all the parts of the body. Then at 16ish weeks we'll have a blood test to check for spinal bifida (sp?). Honestly, we will love our baby no matter what happens but if something is wrong I'd like to have the next 4-5 months to prepare and educate myself as much as possible.
We also had an ultrasound which went great...except the first 10 minutes the nurse spent measuring my ovaries, bloodflow, uterus, cervix, etc.... I was like...where's the baby?! Is there a heartbeat?! I mean come on! You can't make me wait through all this measuring..just let me see the heartbeat and you can come back to that :-) haha. But finally we saw our little bean pole. S/he looked so adorable. She didn't let us just stare at our baby for very long, just took some measurements and checked the heartbeat (173bpm). Everything looked great and we were done. I was hoping she would stop moving the ultrasound wand around for a minute so I could see baby p move but no luck :-( She was so much faster than Tiffany! But I can't complain..I got to see baby p who looks sooo much more like a baby! It's amazing what a few days can do!!
We won't find out baby p's sex until around Christmas time. My mom and Jeff swear it's a girl. I kinda feel like it's a boy, but I don't know really.
Here's a profile. The light line by the legs is the umbilical cord and the light circle around baby is the sac. Super cute, huh?!

Here's baby looking at us. The arms are just growing and actually starting to meet at his chest. The little legs are forming also, but harder to see in this picture. And you can see the cord between the legs again!

Alright...I'm going to try and get better about updating about my pregnancy too!
I feel pretty good. I was having lots of morning sickness last week but I really think it was because I've been taking my prenatal vitamin, dha supplement and vitamin b supplement in the morning. I didn't do that today and I'm feeling good! Now I just need to remember to take them at night! I did throw up on Sunday..but again I think that is from the extra vitamins.
I'm not showing, of course. Jeff claims I have a 'pooch' but today at the dr. I had lost a pound so I'm actualy -1lb prepregnancy weight. I actually found a chart that says how much I should gain in the first trimester...I think it was about 5 lbs? I have another appointment in a month (I know! how am I supposed to wait that long?!) so we'll see then! I'll be 13 weeks.
Right now baby is about an inch long (size of a regular strawberry) and my uterus is the size of a small cantalope! Geez...why so big?! I can still button my jeans but I do have 2 pairs of maternity pants that I prefer...just because elastic is much more comfy :-)
No big projects in the nursery yet. I do have some baby items I'm going to work on sewing though! I might do some this weekend...we'll see how much I feel like doing! haha.
I'll try harder at updating weekly!
So wonderful to hear that all is well! You look great (in your below post) & hopefully u get your bump soon!
ReplyDeleteJess the baby looks cute. He/she is starting to look like a real baby instead of a blob. lol. I love it when that happens! I went for the first trimester sceening and they didn't warn me that its really hard to get the baby in just the right position so you might want to bring a drink with you so that you don't have to buy one there at the hospital(like I did) Also be prepared to have to leave and walk for 20 minutes and come back. lol. They still couldn't get my little one in the right position but it was nice to see the baby on the ultra sound. :) Oh and you don't look fat or huge in the below pictures you look pregnant. Can't wait to see what you look like in April. :)