First, I realized why I've been so terrified something is going to happen to baby P. It just feels too good to be true and I'm so scared someone will take this all away from me. I've dreamed all my life of getting married to an amazing man (check), buying a beautiful house (check) and having children. I just realized this the other day....I am just so, incredibly excited it seems too good to be true. I feel so blessed and I love every minute, but when I think to much or get to excited I worry that I shouldn't...because I can't be so lucky. I'm doing my very best to stay positive and happy though! I love this baby, this pregnancy, everything...I just love it so much I can't image having something happen to my little one.
Second...I finally got morning sickness. More like morning naseousness. It sucks. During work I just want to sit at my desk and try my hardest not to through up in my trashcan. Eating doesn't help..sometimes makes it worst. I threw up a little bit this morning....yuck. Hopefully in the next 3 weeks this goes away!
Next, Lisa and Peyton and I went shopping today! It was alot of fun. We went to the Gap since I had a gift card to spend. I got two shirts on clearance for $20. Pics below:-) Honestly, with that belly on I felt huge and wide. But I can't wait to get a belly...I hate the puggy stufff and the ackward stage. I want a big, hard, belly!! Now!! haha...yes..I know, soon enough! I also got Krue a brown sweatshirt from Children's Place for $6. It looked like a Hurley sweatshirt so I bought it...since that's all Jeff wears.'s pics....

I'm laughing here..but I think I look huge!! Ahh!!!
Hm...I think those are all the updates for now. Oh..wait, Jeff asks me daily how big I'll be at this time. big will you be at Christmas? When will you get a belly? Haha. I think he's ready for this to feel, and look, more 'real' too!! In a month I'll be 13 Thanksgiving I'll be 15 weeks...maybe by then I'll actually feel pregnant!
Jess, you look great!