How big is baby? the size of a plum! A little over 2 inches from head to rump
Total weight gain:Back to -2lbs...I had gained 4 but somehow lost those over the course of the week (although I've grown quite a tummy-EAK! See below)
Stretch Marks? Definatly not yet :-)
Sleep: I've been hot at night-and other than my kitties squashing me I sleep pretty good
Best moment this week: I was able to stop my shots on Sunday and stopped Metformin on Wednesday!
Movement: None yet...can't wait though
Gender: Idk...I'm hoping at our NT scan on Monday they'll guess ;-)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Definatly in...
Cravings: Raman Noodles...sometimes I could/would eat anything in sight and other days nothing sounds good
What I miss: Nothing :-)
What I am looking forward to: Out NT scan on the 9th!!!
Weekly Wisdom: I'm really working on not worrying. I know I hear the baby every night with our doppler but I still worry something is wrong... I guess my weekly wisdom is just to have faith in Him and all will be good
Milestones: Ugh....a huge belly? Haha...honestly I woke up a few days ago to quite the belly. It's getting hard at the bottom and I can feel my uterus now. It's so weird. I worry I'm going to get huge because this belly came so early, but I guess I can just do my best to eat healthy! Since I haven't gained any weight I figured it's not because I'm piggin out ;-)

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