How far along? 13 weeks!
How big is baby? the size of a peach :-)
Weight gain:Well, I gained .5lbs when I was at the my OB appointment on Monday. Dr.M said that was fine just wanted to make sure I was eating/not sick/etc. He said I'll probably see weight gain pretty soon and to plan on gaining around 28-35lbs! I must be losing it somewhere because my belly is getting incredibly big-fast. I'm a little worried I'm going to get huge but I guess that's out of my plans-I just really don't want a 9lb baby! eak!
Stretch Marks? Definatly not yet :-)
Sleep: No problems in that department! I do have the craziest dreams though! The other night I dreamnt Tony Yelk (an ex-fling from college) was going to kill me so I told him I was pregnant with his baby. Then he decided not to kill. Then he found out later it was Jeff's baby and was chasing me around trying to kill me again...and I woke up. haha....very strange dreams!!
Best moment this week: Seeing our little 'girl' kick like crazy at our ultrasound. It was absolutely amazing to see all her movement and it seemed so unreal! I can't wait to feel all those kicks :-)
Movement: None...but I do try to concentrate on my belly when I'm laying down at night. I just know alot of people tell me that they felt kicks but didn't realize they were kicks until later on. So I want to be very 'in tune' so when I feel them I realize what they are! :-)
Gender: Supposedly a girl...but Jeff won't let me call her 'gianna' yet because he still thinks it may be a boy ;-)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Definatly in...
Cravings: Hm...last night I craved tacos and I don't even like tacos! Everyday is different.
What I miss: Being able to take migraine medicine and drink as much caffiene as I wanted! haha
What I am looking forward to: Being able to feel movement and our next ultrasound...week of December 13th!
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every second!! I think time is going to fly by and I can't wait to meet our little girl, but I always remind myself to enjoy being pregnant too :-)

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