Today is CD 12 and 2 days before our egg retrieval. We had an u/s today to determine my follicles were ready, we only had about 8-10 mature eggs but Dr.Cooper said that was fine and we're good to go! (I have to remember that quality is better than quantity.) Jeff and I did b/w to check for HIV, Aids, Hep B, etc and then we talked to Dr. Cooper and the nurse. They explained the whole procedure and gave me a list of what meds to take over the next couple days. We also had to sign a consent form as to what we'll do with the frozen eggs that we don't use (now or at a later date). We decided we would donate them to a couple that can't get pregnant with their own eggs. I couldn't image letting our 'babies' be subject to research or death, so donation was our plan. However, the eggs will be frozen until we either die or decide we are done having children, then they will be donated to a unidentified couple.
Tonight I had to do my Ovidrel injections at Shalie's house because she was highlighting me hair. The injections were so easy, I did them all by myself!! They are changing my ER time to 7:45am (intead of 5:45am) on Wednesday! My Repronex injections hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks and I'm still super sore today. :-( The nurse asked me if my ovaries felt huge, and yes-they do! I couldn't believe how big my ovaries looked on the u/s monitor...geez! Anyway-that's all for today. More updates tomorrow.... Oh-and I peaked at my progesterone injection needles, they are 18 gage, which is gigantic. I'm not looking forward to those suckers-getting stuck daily for up to 12 weeks with an 18 gage needle....fabulous.
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