Yesterday was cyle day 7. I've had alot of lower back pain-which could be from stress. I was in a car accident when I was younger and fractured my L2 verterbra. Now, whenever I'm stressed my back pain flares up so it could be from that...who knows.
Today I time traveled-back to the 1950's, or so it seemed. Jeff has always picked up my meds before because of convenience but today I decided to pick it up. I walked into an old fashioned ice cream parlor with a pharmacy in the back. Honestly, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. There was a bar along one side, with old fashioned ice cream machines, a convenience store style on the other side and then the pharmacy in the back. The pharmacy was lined with old medicine bottles at the top. It was soo adorable and next time I need to pick up drugs, I'm getting ice cream!!
Anyway, the follistim injection was fine. I've had a few ovary pains-mostly from them growing. Also, the last couple days I've had headaches from my follistim. The pharmacist warned me that the progesterone will probably give me headaches for the first week or so....great! The progesterone is actual vaginal suppositories which I have to place inside my hoo-haa twice a day. Fabulous....the joys of fertility treatments.......
I'm taking progesterone myself right now, twice per day to ensure that everything stays okay. It's not too bad. Just make sure you wear a pantiliner.