I talked to Dr.C today and explained that I haven't had my period but don't want to take Estrogen supplements again because of how they made me feel. He said that was fine, come in Monday for an u/s to see if your ovaries are 'quiet' meaning no cysts and no follies. If all looks good we can go ahead with injections and IUI. I'm pretty excited but a little worried to...hopefully this is our month. PLEASE whatever you do, say a small prayer for us. I wanna be a mommy :-)
Duckies due date is Friday, I'm taking the day off to spend with hubby. I'm just not in the mood to be at work on that sad day. Where's missing you ducky, love you so much. Give Taz and Blue Blue cuddles from me. We'll meet you at the Gates some day, until then say a prayer for your sibling, will ya?
I'm so glad to hear that the IUI is still on! I'll be praying for you on Friday.