However, my ultrasound and blood work went well. The right ovary had about 4 follicles that were growing good-measuring between 7-9mm (they will get to about 15-20 before they release an egg). The left side actually had about 6 measuring 6-9mm, so they are growing well also. We really only need one or two mature eggs (measuring 15-20mm) when we trigger; we can’t have more than that or we’ll need to convert to IVF. Triggering with too many eggs could lead to me becoming an octomom, and we’re defiantly not ready for that! I’m still waiting to hear if we need to bump up the dose or not, but most likely we’ll stay at 75. Jeff couldn’t make it this time so I asked for pictures (see below) but Thursday he is coming.
Here are three pics from the ultrasound. The top two are my right ovary, just two different views. The big black dots are fluid filled sacs, which are my follicles. They hold the eggs which will be released when they become mature. (They eggs are way to tiny to see on the ultrasound). The bottom one is my left ovary, a good view of all my follicles!
Injection went well last night, no more bruising so that is good. No symptoms from the shots either-just sleepiness! More updates tomorrow….

Edit: Estrogen level was at 99
Jess, I'm so glad to hear that your bloodwork and ultrasound went well! That's great news! I'm sorry to hear about Jeff losing some of his commission percentages. I will keep both of you in my prayers.