This will probably be the longest post ever...but here goes.
Last night and this morning my ovaries have felt very 'full'. I've had some pain on both sides because they are so huge, last night mostly was on my left side. My boobs are also sore from the Ovidrel shot, normal symptoms from Ovidrel which makes you think your pregnant...when your not!
This morning we got up and got ready. I couldn't eat or drink so basically just showered, dressed and was ready to go. Jeff had to do his 'business' before we left, then off to MIF. Right when we got there we checked in and Jolie called us back. We went to a room and I sat down in a nice recliner, had a warm blanket over me, and Jeff beside me.
Jolie started my IV, which didn't go too well. My arms are really bruised from all the bloodwork but she tried a small vein instead, it was pretty painful and felt a big pop. Oops--that was my vein! So, we had to go to the hand. That sucked more and was way more painful, but I got my 'margarita mix' (as Dr.C says) soo after it wasn't too bad. Jolie felt super bad too so I can't blame her too much-I just have sucky veins!
We were given a sheet to read over with instructions that told us what meds to take and when. Tomorrow I start the 18gage needle....not cool.
Once my 'cocktail' was inserted into my IV, I don't remember much. I remember making Jeff promise that when they walk me to the procedure room that my gown is covered so no one sees my chubby butt.
It was like a dream-the whole procedure. I remember nurses/doctor mummbles stuff to me but I really remember the pain. It was like someone was pulling at my ovaries. I remember grunting and whining alot but Jolie said I was pretty quite. The next thing I know I'm siting in the recliner looking at Jeff. I asked him when I was going to the procedure and he said it was already done! Then, slowly the 'dream' came back and I started remembering parts of the procedure. My tummy hurt pretty bad, really sore. We sat there for awhile and then, it was time to leave.
It was so hard to walk, so I sat while Jeff checked us out. Then Jeff helped me outside and into the car. That was so uncomfortable, my tummy hurt and I had some sharp pains. Then I remembered they forgot to tell me how many eggs they had retrieved! Jeff ran into ask Whitney, the receptionist but she said they could call tomorrow. Ugh, no I remember they said we would find out before we left. So I left a groggy message for a nurse.
I was starving so Jeff stopped to get me Casey's donuts and then we came home. I barely remember coming inside and laying down. I ate a donut and then zonked out. I woke up when Jeff called. He said Tiffany, the nurse, called to say they retrieved 7 eggs. WHAT? Out of all those follicles I only got 7. But Jeff claims Tiffany told him that the eggs were already working on getting fertilized and they all looked awesome! Well, that's good news! I told Shawna, my good friend, who reminded me that 7 is a very lucky number :-)
Right now I'm just laying on the mattress Jeff brought downstairs. I'm feeling better, just sore. I can't walk really fast and kind of hobble around. Still having some sharp pains but as long as I don't move I'm ok. haha. Jeff should be home from work in about an hour. I hope tomorrow goes ok at work, we'll see.
Right now we are just praying that all goes well, and we are finally blessed with a healthy baby!
Can I ask you guys a favor? I appreciate all your prayers for me, but can you also pray for my friend Suzanne? She just had her 2nd ultrasound today after getting pregnant from IVF and the babies heartbeat was slower and hasn't grown. Her RE doesn't think the baby will make it, please pray for her. I know how hard it is to loose a baby and I wouldn't want that for anyone, especially not her. Thank you for all your prayers guys, your the best!
I'm glad the procedure went well. You and your friend are in my thoughts!