Wednesday, November 11, 2009
13 weeks!

Monday, November 9, 2009
It's a....

Thursday, November 5, 2009
I got fluffy mail!!!!!!
The three diapers are shown in the small size, medium, and large (they have snaps/velcro which make the diaper different sizes). The BM one sizes are supposed to fit anywhere from 8lbs-35lbs (give or take). They are also pocket diapers so you stuff them with either inserts or prefolds. (We'll use prefolds because we got a bunch for a great price). You can add or subtract the
amount of inserts you want depending on your baby (overnight-stuff more!)
I also have a pic showing where the inserts go and one of my prefolds sticking out. I still need to buy a TON more but it's a good start! I also need to purchase some liners. (The liners will be placed on the inside of the diaper and catch poo-then I can just through the liner in the trash or toilet! No more washing poo diapers!! :-)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
12 weeks
How big is baby? the size of a plum! A little over 2 inches from head to rump
Total weight gain:Back to -2lbs...I had gained 4 but somehow lost those over the course of the week (although I've grown quite a tummy-EAK! See below)
Stretch Marks? Definatly not yet :-)
Sleep: I've been hot at night-and other than my kitties squashing me I sleep pretty good
Best moment this week: I was able to stop my shots on Sunday and stopped Metformin on Wednesday!
Movement: None yet...can't wait though
Gender: Idk...I'm hoping at our NT scan on Monday they'll guess ;-)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Definatly in...
Cravings: Raman Noodles...sometimes I could/would eat anything in sight and other days nothing sounds good
What I miss: Nothing :-)
What I am looking forward to: Out NT scan on the 9th!!!
Weekly Wisdom: I'm really working on not worrying. I know I hear the baby every night with our doppler but I still worry something is wrong... I guess my weekly wisdom is just to have faith in Him and all will be good
Milestones: Ugh....a huge belly? Haha...honestly I woke up a few days ago to quite the belly. It's getting hard at the bottom and I can feel my uterus now. It's so weird. I worry I'm going to get huge because this belly came so early, but I guess I can just do my best to eat healthy! Since I haven't gained any weight I figured it's not because I'm piggin out ;-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Excuse my b*tchiness..
Cloth Diapers.....
Now, I plan on staying home. I plan on us being pretty poor, I think that comes with being young, married and parents. But I would give anything to be a monmy (including a huge chunk of change-(IVF)) so I'm trying to be frugile. I want to try cloth diapers for a million reasons. I know so many friends that use cloth and love them. They are better for the environment, will save us HUNDREDS, and keep babies bum from getting diaper rash. Oh and guess what?! Cloth diaper babies are proven to potty train sooner. With that being said please realize that cloth diapers aren't what they used to be. Yes..there are still prefolds (see pic below) that our parents/grandparents used to use but cloth diapers have really grown and become amazing. There's many different kinds and I'm going to steal a post from a friend of mine..Tiff (ticebaby.blogspot.com)...to help you all understand a little more about cloth diapers.
Snappi now that is easy to use and much less dangerous! You need to put a diaper cover on over a prefold if you don't want leaks. Prefolds and covers are definitely the least expensive way to go. We initially started cloth diapering with a diaper service. The service uses only prefolds. They were easier to use than I thought they would be, although Ian never really loved them. I plan on using prefolds for our next kiddo during the newborn stage.
BumGenius Organic: If BumGenius used different velcro, I would love this diaper. The inside is made with organic cotton, and the sling-style lining makes it dry quicker. I just don't like the closures on BumGenius diapers in general.
11 Weeks!!!!!!
How big is baby? the size of a LIME!! holy cow!
Total weight gain: I finally gained a few pounds!! So now I'm -2lbs
Stretch Marks? Heck No!! Hopefully my Palmer's Body butter will keep those suckers away :-)
Sleep: I've started to wake up once a night to go to the bathroom. I usually sleep on my right side but have been trying to sleep on my back...baby is hanging out on the right side and I feel like I'm squashing him!! (although I know I'm not)
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat on the doppler. Last night I found it right away...around 150-160bpm. He even did a little flip to the other side and then I found him about 2 inches over :-) It was the BEST!
Movement: None yet!
Gender: Who knows...Jeff has me thinking boy ;-)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Definatly in...
Cravings: Hm....I used to make fun of people when they had cravings before the second trimester but this week I've been craving lots of things. Since I've become pregnant I'm not a big junk/sweets eater. I prefer large meals instead-like every night I want to go to a "all you can eat buffet" and just eat for hours!! hehe. I'm always super hungry :-P But mostly, this week I crave spicy food!
What I miss: I've really been wanting a glass of red wine :-(
What I am looking forward to: Out NT scan on the 9th!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every second and realize that everyone's pregnancy is different. Just because your sister/mom/friend didn't have a belly until 5 months doesn't mean your fat if you get one before than (remember-it just depends on baby and ur body type-there's nothing you can do to pretend one from forming!). If you don't have symptoms, it doesn't mean you don't have a baby growing in there. But most of all...enjoy every single second of pregnancy and don't wish it all away :-)
Milestones: Hearing the heartbeat on the doppler!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
So here's my belly pic from 10w3d. I can't believe I'm now almost 11 weeks!! YAH! I'm sure time will fly now with the holidays and everything. I even started researching registry stuff and decided what we wanted...baby bargains is an awesome book for this, it's helped alot!
So here's the belly pic. I totally hate how huge I look, stupid shirt, back but Jeff refused to take a million pics. hehe. Anyway...here goes! I just have a tiny bump above my pelvic bone which is getting a little hard, nothing exciting though. Can't wait to get an actual belly!

Friday, October 23, 2009
God's got his hand on you...
Monday, October 19, 2009
9 weeks 5 days
Well..that's all for now. Hopefully this week I'll be able to update about us hearing the heartbeat on the doppler :-) I think that will calm me down quite a bit!
Friday, October 16, 2009
On sale this week at Target...
Here's the nursery pics so far...

Baby already has quite the collection of books! Most of them are hand-me-downs from my little sister :-)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Gianna's Room
I'd love to stripe the walls in a nice lavender and do light green/lavender and white bedding. We already have dark nursery furniture and a white rocker. I'm in love with the butterfly chandlier- priced at a woppin $45k but I have plans to make one for under $30 :-) After the adorable pink stroller and this cute nursery idea I think I need a little girl ;-)
Krue's room will be done in golf....but a cute golf. I'll do his 'design board' later. But here's a sneak peak! I plan on doing fabric similiar to this-golf themed. But in a super cute way.

I'm sure you all notice there is no place to put my diet coke or iced tea..but no worries. I already have a pattern for cup holders/mini pocket to add to the stroller. You can buy a snap on cup holder but I think the one I make will be cuter :-) We're just going to get a car seat that fits with the stroller like the Graco snugride. You can buy a bumbleride car seat cover that fits & matches, but then the car seat isn't covered under safety codes because it's never been tested with that fabric on it. So I think we'll just find a car seat that is neutral colored or matches the fabric. Here's pics of me and the stroller......
Kingston is inside all bundled up for winter!! Baby can be completely covered to block out the color/windy/rainy weather. How awesome huh?
And Jeff getting ready to push around his baby girl....
Some more pics...
Ok.....done with the longest post ever!
PS-I may just keep the pink fabric for a little girl...it's really growing on me!
Monday, October 12, 2009
9 weeks...

Alright...I'm going to try and get better about updating about my pregnancy too!
I feel pretty good. I was having lots of morning sickness last week but I really think it was because I've been taking my prenatal vitamin, dha supplement and vitamin b supplement in the morning. I didn't do that today and I'm feeling good! Now I just need to remember to take them at night! I did throw up on Sunday..but again I think that is from the extra vitamins.
I'm not showing, of course. Jeff claims I have a 'pooch' but today at the dr. I had lost a pound so I'm actualy -1lb prepregnancy weight. I actually found a chart that says how much I should gain in the first trimester...I think it was about 5 lbs? I have another appointment in a month (I know! how am I supposed to wait that long?!) so we'll see then! I'll be 13 weeks.
Right now baby is about an inch long (size of a regular strawberry) and my uterus is the size of a small cantalope! Geez...why so big?! I can still button my jeans but I do have 2 pairs of maternity pants that I prefer...just because elastic is much more comfy :-)
No big projects in the nursery yet. I do have some baby items I'm going to work on sewing though! I might do some this weekend...we'll see how much I feel like doing! haha.
I'll try harder at updating weekly!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
First, I realized why I've been so terrified something is going to happen to baby P. It just feels too good to be true and I'm so scared someone will take this all away from me. I've dreamed all my life of getting married to an amazing man (check), buying a beautiful house (check) and having children. I just realized this the other day....I am just so, incredibly excited it seems too good to be true. I feel so blessed and I love every minute, but when I think to much or get to excited I worry that I shouldn't...because I can't be so lucky. I'm doing my very best to stay positive and happy though! I love this baby, this pregnancy, everything...I just love it so much I can't image having something happen to my little one.
Second...I finally got morning sickness. More like morning naseousness. It sucks. During work I just want to sit at my desk and try my hardest not to through up in my trashcan. Eating doesn't help..sometimes makes it worst. I threw up a little bit this morning....yuck. Hopefully in the next 3 weeks this goes away!
Next, Lisa and Peyton and I went shopping today! It was alot of fun. We went to the Gap since I had a gift card to spend. I got two shirts on clearance for $20. Pics below:-) Honestly, with that belly on I felt huge and wide. But I can't wait to get a belly...I hate the puggy stufff and the ackward stage. I want a big, hard, belly!! Now!! haha...yes..I know, soon enough! I also got Krue a brown sweatshirt from Children's Place for $6. It looked like a Hurley sweatshirt so I bought it...since that's all Jeff wears. Anyway....here's pics....

I'm laughing here..but I think I look huge!! Ahh!!!
Hm...I think those are all the updates for now. Oh..wait, Jeff asks me daily how big I'll be at this time. Like...how big will you be at Christmas? When will you get a belly? Haha. I think he's ready for this to feel, and look, more 'real' too!! In a month I'll be 13 weeks...by Thanksgiving I'll be 15 weeks...maybe by then I'll actually feel pregnant!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
An amazing appointment
We just got back from our 8 week appointment and ultrasound...it was incredible! Baby P was measuring 8 weeks 1 day and his heartbeat was at 170 bpm. His little legs were moving around (you can kinda see it in the video below...but the u/s tech and him are moving so much it's hard to see until the end). The video also shows the heartbeat and you can kind of hear it. Sadly though we graduating from Dr.C's care :-( I am really sad and asked if we could stay forever! haha. He assured me feeling super great was ok and that his wife didn't feel pregnant, at all, with their twins!! Afterward he hugged us goodbye and said to send him a pic when the baby is born! I think we'll send a card and cookies or something in the next couple weeks :-) Now next week we have our ultrasound and appointment with Dr. M!! Can't wait!!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Spare prayers are always welcome....
Friday, October 2, 2009
I love my husband...
Ok...enough bragging. Back to work and eat my chilli...and pray I don't throw it up :-(
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A little girl?
I really have no idea. I always think girl, but I think that's because I dream of having a little girl to dress up. I guess we'll see around Christmas time!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Alright..I'm out of 'updates'. I keep forgetting to start taking my belly pics..maybe I'll get on that this weekend (not that there is anything to see anyway). We both can not wait for Monday when we get to see our baby again! I've been praying for a nice strong, readable heartbeat...like in the 140's. :-) I think it will feel a bit more real than. Then our next appointment/ultrasound will be with my OB, Dr.M on the 12th. After 3 good ultrasounds I think we'll start to calm down a bit and realize we're going to be parents! Until then we just pray the God and Ducky watch over little..."rice pumpkin". haha
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We have a bun!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup, just one!!!!!!
Oh..and you guys can start guessing on a boy or girl. Mom says girl, with lots of hair, looks like me, and is a 'bigger' baby. HAHA!! Feel free to leave your guesses ;-)
Here's the pics..you can't see much. The bubble inside the gestational sac (large black dot) is the yolk sac, then you can see the little grain of rice beneath the yolk sac. Oh..and what's the huge black hole? Yeah..I have 2 huge cysts on my left ovary which has been causing me some pain but they shouldn't be a problem and should go away on their own :-)

Monday, September 21, 2009
Going to the neurologist
Longest week ever...
I have a BAD case of the Mondays....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I got in!
I also talked to the nurse, Cheryl, at MIF today because I've had some major headaches. Of course, I can only take Tylenol which doesn't help...at all! But she told me she thinks Monday I'll be 6 weeks instead of Wednesday, which makes my due day May 17th. Call me crazy but I've always thought I'd have a baby on May 17th. I don't know why the day has been in my mind forever, but it has. Just like 300 was what I wanted for my first beta (it was actually 301) and that I dreamt that I would have my second beta at 759 (it was at 754). Hm....maybe God is answering our prayers or I have ESP :-)
Either way I can't complain! I'm excited and so is Jeff, but we are really ready for November to be hear when we're past 12 weeks. Actually, I think once we're past Oct. 12th I'll feel alot better because that means we've seen the heartbeat twice..but November is even better.
Jeff is already rubby my belly (fat) and talking to the babies. He also told me his friend, who's wife is due any day now, is giving him some daddy books to read! How stinkin cute huh? He's such an amazing man and is so 'in' on everything to do with baby, twins, and infertility.
I still feel pretty normal. Just sore boobs and tired, oh and headaches. I try not to analyze everything-it's in God's hands right now, not ours. Plus, Jeff and I talked today that IF something did happen we'll know there is a reason. There must be a baby out there needing us and we'll adopt. But...no more negative nancy like Jeff calls me :-)
We're off to watch a movie! Hopefully this weekend I'll have time to update my blog with pics of my new hair do :-)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
4 weeks 4 days
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Today I'm 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant.
How am I feeling? Great! I get kind of worn out easily but nothing too big. My boobs are sore, but only when I push on them ;-) I still have cramping and some weird pulling. For example, last night I moved onto my side and fell like my insides were being pulled the wrong way. After I moved a little bit I was fine. I've never had that before, so it's been a little weird. It may be from my uterus still healing, I don't really know. I sorta wish I had some symptoms so that I could actually feel pregnant, but I'm sure they will come soon enough!
What meds am I taking? Oh..where do I start? I have a Vivelle patch that I change every three days, it's an estrogen supplement. I'm still doing progesterone injections in my butt-which leaves my butt black and blue. Also, I'm having an allergic reaction to the shots which means big, itchy, red, bumpy blotches on my butt. Gross! I also take Metformin for the PCOS/Insulin, Fulbee which is a high dose of vitamin B, baby aspirin which helps with blood flow to the uterus, prenatal vitamin and Expectra which is a DHA supplement. Wow! What a list!
Basically, I feel about the same. Just some cramping! I also started drinking V8 Splash to get my daily dose of fruits and veggies. It's actually pretty good :-) That's about it. I'll update after my beta on Sunday morning. Prayers for high, doubling numbers!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Beta is in...
I have another blood draw on Sunday at 9:50 to make sure that my levels are doubling nicely, than an ultrasound around the 30th of September :-) Prayers for sticky babies!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009
This morning I took a $tree pregnancy test and it was negative. I watched it for about 10 minutes, then threw it in my purse and went to get ready for a day of retail therapy. About an hour later I came back and peaked at it..there were two lines! I didn't really know if that was accurate or not but I showed Jeff. We didn't think anything of it and were off to the mall. All day I couldn't buy anything..I kept thinking about how nothing I bought was going to fit me in 3 to 4 months and I felt like I was wasting money. I was exhausted, crabby and tired. Finally we just decided to go home but Jeff convinced me to stop at the grocery store and pick up a digital. $17.99 later we were off to Tyler's and I planned on testing today and tomorrow. I peed on the stick and Jeff and I sat watching it....Then, Jeff said. Well, look at that. Oh...not pregnant huh? No...it said YES!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so excited, we screamed and hugged and were all giddy. I ran to show my sister in law, Court and then called my mom and texted a few friends. I've had alot of tightness in my uterus and pains on both sides so I figured something was going on in there! I'm so excited, but also a little nervous. Nervous that it will turn out to be a chemical pregnancy or we'll miscarry, but again I need to remind myself that our life isn't in our hands..its in Gods!
Now-If you know us in real life DON'T tell anyone. We aren't going to tell others until we reach 12 weeks..just good friends and family. Last time family ended up telling others and so forth...I would run into someone at the grocery store who thought I was pregnant after I miscarried and had to explain everything. I don't want to do that again so please keep your lips sealed!
I'll update later when I know more. I have my beta (blood test) on Saturday...needs to be atleast above 100 and then double every 48 hours. We'll have an ultrasound in about 2-3 weeks.
YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're having a baby...or two....in May!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Minor Freak Out...
Jeff woke me up at 5:30 to take a pregnancy test (yes, only 6dp5dt-but I've heard of BFP this early!). Well, of course it was negative and then I wiped...blood. Bright, red, blood. Immediatly I thought the worst and new I had started my period. I started crying, Jeff held me in the bathroom. We were both heartbroken. Oh, and of course I had no tampons or anything so we had to go get his brother to get me some...nice. He had a tee time at 6:40 so he had to leave. I laid in bed bawling, texting a few friends that I knew would be there for me. I awoke again around 8, feeling better, but still discouraged. I went to take a shower around 9 and had brown, gross spotting now so I called the on-call nurse at Dr.C's office. Jolie told me it was normal sometimes and to wear a panty liner. If I leaked through the painty liner I needed to call back. Well, image that. Haven't had one spot since. Lots of cramps and tightness in my uterus, but nothing. We're still holding out hope and praying this still works, but Jeff and also talked about if it didn't. Jeff's heart was so broken when he heard I was bleeding and he said he couldn't do this again. If IVF #1 doesn't work, we will be adopting. I leave our life and plans in His hands and we'll see where he takes us.
I'll update when we get back home...until then we pray that He will guide us and comfort us during this time. That we will trust His plan, no matter what that may be.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Embryo Transfer

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tomorrow is the day....
Today we went to church, which was amazing. We sang a song reminding me that no matter what, I need to Rejoice in Him ALWAYS! I love church, Jeff loves church, and I can't wait to go again. I decided this fall I am going to join in some of the activities, like MarriageLive, Celebrate Recovery, One2One and more. I love being there...it makes me feel welcome and loved. And it reminded me that God has my life in His hands, and that is the best place for it to be.
I'm excited for tomorrow and plan on relaxing as much as possible. Amy taught me to knit this weekend so maybe working on that, otherwise going to relax and concentrate on my embies burrowing into my uterus and staying warm and comfy. The girlies are coming over around dinner to cook for me and snuggle with me while I'm on bed rest.
My side effects are ok, I've been dizzy as hell from the Doxy (i think) and the progesterone shots aren't getting any easier. But not much to complain about, no headaches which is amazing. I have a hard time sleeping at night, but I don't know what that's from-maybe anxiety, maybe meds, who knows! Uterus is still alittle sore when I move too much. Definatly not as bad as I expected.
I also started eating pineapple a few days ago to help with implantation ;-) It's suuuper yummy!
I just got out of a bubble bath, now snuggling with my kitty and getting ready to go to bed...
Updates and hopefully pics tomorrow!!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
No news is good news!
My a** cheeks hurt, bad! I've had a progesterone shot in each butt cheek now and tonight will be number three.....wahhhhh! They suck, and hurt. They actually hurt worse in the morning after the bruise has shown up and the soreness starts. I tried a warm compress and massaging the area after the injection but it didn't help. Oh well...3 more weeks of it and another 12 if I'm pregnant. A fun side effect from the progesterone is my boobs grew! Like crazy!! Ok, maybe only a half cup size but I am not complaining :-) This morning I got out of the shower and Jeff said the left one was bigger....yeah-a whole cup size bigger, seriously! (again sorry for the tmi). Anyway, things are going well. My spirits are up and Jeff and I talked today about what would happen if this didn't work. He wants to try one more time in January-I'm torn. We'll see how the next couple months go. He also started talking about what the embroyos should look like before transfer. Turns out he researched all about them last night...now he knows more than I do! That's good though-maybe he can explain things to me for once :-)
Monday morning the embryo transfer will be at 10am. Then bed rest for 2 days. I'll have a pic of our babies and will definatly post it as soon as I can. I usually scan the pics in at work and won't be back until Wednesday so you may have to hold off...I'll see what I can do though!
Well...off to be lazy. It's nice to be able to be lazy on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and not feel bad. My uterus is sore and I'm dizzy so some tv and napping sounds good to me!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wanna see something scary?

Mini-Melt Down
I ran out of work to take my lunch break and called Jeff bawling. He was staying positive and told me everything would be ok. I felt like I was failing us, again. I made him promise me he would love me even if we couldn't have bio babies and we agreed if this is a big failure, we need to start persuing adoption but also taking a break (and maybe a nice vacation to Bermuda). I always feel so strong and positve at the beginning of cycles, but slowly start to remember how hard all this is. I feel like I have so much weight on my shoulders and it doesn't help that I'm jacked up on a gazillion meds.
I got back to work and borrowed a coworker's make up and she said maybe we should name them Hewey, Dewey, and Lewey. haha. I'm ok now. I know it only takes 1 to make a healthy baby and we really need to put our trust in Him, but stupid Jeff had to remind me last week that we trusted him with Ducky, and looked what happened. I can't think of it that way. During lunch I cried to Him forever, asking Him to just lift me up. That if this doesn't work that he will show me all the things he has in store for my life. That He will comfort us and that He won't hate me when I'm mad at Him. I also wrote a prayer request for us through our prayer chain at church. I hate second-guessing God. It's not my place to do but it's so easy to wonder if He has forgotten you. If you are important enough for Him to waste His time listening too. I know that all seems immature and selfish, but sometimes I'm scared He doesn't care about us. But I have to trust in Him no matter what...no matter what happens, no matter what.
So all we can do is pray that our three babies make it to the embryo transfer on Monday morning at 10am.
On another note...I look 4 months pregnant. My stomach is so incredibly swollen from surgery yesterday. I peed 4 times last night because my swollen insides were pressing on my blatter. Oh, and I had to be carefull when I moved positions because it felt like my insides were ripping out. Today at work I waddle, I hold my stomach when no one is watching because it feels like my uterus will fall out any minute. Am I a baby with pain? Yes, but still. Guess this might be a little clue into what pregnancy might be like? Better get used to that now, huh?!
Alright...off to work, and pray, and listen to uplifting music.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Lucky #7
Last night and this morning my ovaries have felt very 'full'. I've had some pain on both sides because they are so huge, last night mostly was on my left side. My boobs are also sore from the Ovidrel shot, normal symptoms from Ovidrel which makes you think your pregnant...when your not!
This morning we got up and got ready. I couldn't eat or drink so basically just showered, dressed and was ready to go. Jeff had to do his 'business' before we left, then off to MIF. Right when we got there we checked in and Jolie called us back. We went to a room and I sat down in a nice recliner, had a warm blanket over me, and Jeff beside me.
Jolie started my IV, which didn't go too well. My arms are really bruised from all the bloodwork but she tried a small vein instead, it was pretty painful and felt a big pop. Oops--that was my vein! So, we had to go to the hand. That sucked more and was way more painful, but I got my 'margarita mix' (as Dr.C says) soo after it wasn't too bad. Jolie felt super bad too so I can't blame her too much-I just have sucky veins!
We were given a sheet to read over with instructions that told us what meds to take and when. Tomorrow I start the 18gage needle....not cool.
Once my 'cocktail' was inserted into my IV, I don't remember much. I remember making Jeff promise that when they walk me to the procedure room that my gown is covered so no one sees my chubby butt.
It was like a dream-the whole procedure. I remember nurses/doctor mummbles stuff to me but I really remember the pain. It was like someone was pulling at my ovaries. I remember grunting and whining alot but Jolie said I was pretty quite. The next thing I know I'm siting in the recliner looking at Jeff. I asked him when I was going to the procedure and he said it was already done! Then, slowly the 'dream' came back and I started remembering parts of the procedure. My tummy hurt pretty bad, really sore. We sat there for awhile and then, it was time to leave.
It was so hard to walk, so I sat while Jeff checked us out. Then Jeff helped me outside and into the car. That was so uncomfortable, my tummy hurt and I had some sharp pains. Then I remembered they forgot to tell me how many eggs they had retrieved! Jeff ran into ask Whitney, the receptionist but she said they could call tomorrow. Ugh, no I remember they said we would find out before we left. So I left a groggy message for a nurse.
I was starving so Jeff stopped to get me Casey's donuts and then we came home. I barely remember coming inside and laying down. I ate a donut and then zonked out. I woke up when Jeff called. He said Tiffany, the nurse, called to say they retrieved 7 eggs. WHAT? Out of all those follicles I only got 7. But Jeff claims Tiffany told him that the eggs were already working on getting fertilized and they all looked awesome! Well, that's good news! I told Shawna, my good friend, who reminded me that 7 is a very lucky number :-)
Right now I'm just laying on the mattress Jeff brought downstairs. I'm feeling better, just sore. I can't walk really fast and kind of hobble around. Still having some sharp pains but as long as I don't move I'm ok. haha. Jeff should be home from work in about an hour. I hope tomorrow goes ok at work, we'll see.
Right now we are just praying that all goes well, and we are finally blessed with a healthy baby!
Can I ask you guys a favor? I appreciate all your prayers for me, but can you also pray for my friend Suzanne? She just had her 2nd ultrasound today after getting pregnant from IVF and the babies heartbeat was slower and hasn't grown. Her RE doesn't think the baby will make it, please pray for her. I know how hard it is to loose a baby and I wouldn't want that for anyone, especially not her. Thank you for all your prayers guys, your the best!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
CD 13
No shots today, just Doxy twice today day. It's a pill that is an antibiotic, I need to take it because there will be tiny holes in my ovaries from the retrieval and we don't want an infection! Oh, and baby aspirin once a day to help with implantation. I've had some cramps today and lots of pains on my left and right side, probably from those follicles getting gigantic.
Oh, and Dr.M (my OB) called in a high dose of vitamin B for me. He said it will help with implantation and staying pregnant! I also picked up some fresh pineapple, I need to eat the pineapple core tomorrow through next week to also help with implantation :-)
I'll update tomorrow night after the retrieval......Eak!!!
Tonight I had to do my Ovidrel injections at Shalie's house because she was highlighting me hair. The injections were so easy, I did them all by myself!! They are changing my ER time to 7:45am (intead of 5:45am) on Wednesday! My Repronex injections hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks and I'm still super sore today. :-( The nurse asked me if my ovaries felt huge, and yes-they do! I couldn't believe how big my ovaries looked on the u/s monitor...geez! Anyway-that's all for today. More updates tomorrow.... Oh-and I peaked at my progesterone injection needles, they are 18 gage, which is gigantic. I'm not looking forward to those suckers-getting stuck daily for up to 12 weeks with an 18 gage needle....fabulous.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
We're converting to IVF....
We only spent about $300 in meds, which is actually really good. However, the amount of drugs we picked up from the pharmacy was crazy and overwelming. The pharmacist explained everything, but I'm still confused. I remember progesterone shots hurt, BB means black syringe in butt, pink syringe is painful....oh geez! Here's a pic of all the meds......

Tonight I do another injection of Follistim, 37.5mg. Then repronex which is like Follistim, with lots of hormones and another injection to make sure I don't ovulate before the egg retrieval.
Tomorrow we go in for another u/s to confirm the ER (egg retrieval) will be Wednesday. Jeff and I have to do b/w for weird things like Aids, HIV, Hep B, etc. Then we'll talk with the nurse and Dr. C to get all the info about our procedure, meds, etc.
Wednesday is egg retrieval, I'll be put out and basically they will insert a large needle into my cervix and suck (literally) the eggs out of my ovaries. Then between Wed and Monday they will insert Jeff's sperm into my eggs, and wait for the cells to multiple. On Monday they will insert the cells (blastocyst) into my uterus where we'll wait for it to implant and hopefully grow into a baby! If we have any exra blasts left, we'll be able to freeze them and implant them into me at a later date if this IVF doesn't work or if we want another baby.
I'll be out of work all day Wednesday and then on bedrest Monday after the trasnfer and Tuesday...then off to San Diego Friday! Crazy week, huh?! I'll update with more info when we have our next appointment. Again, prayers are the most important factor in this whole procedure so they are always welcome!
Here's a cool and very informational video Jeff and I found on youtube.com about IVF procedure.
And Another...
Waiting for the call...
I set my alarm for 8:15, so I could get up, throw on some clothes and brush my hair and teeth and run out the door to my appointment at 8:50. Well, at 8:30 Jeff says; Aren't we supposed to be leaving right now? Ah!! I was still in bed cuddling with my sweet little kitty. Crap! So I got up, threw on clothes, a hat and used mouth wash in the car. We made it there right on time!
Holley, the lab nurse drew my blood again. Luckily, it came easy and I didn't even bruise! Then came the ultrasound. Right away I knew that my follies had grown quite a bit; they were huge! While Cheryl was measuring she asked if this was our first round of Follistim. I knew this meant she was suprised at how much my follicles had grown. We talked about how on Femara I never had good follies, just one huge, overmature one. We also discussed how much my Follicles had grown over night, even with the decreased dose of Follistim. I had one large follicle on my right side, measuring 15mm. Then about 4-6 measuring 12-14mm. My left side had more, bigger ones. I think these are the measurements...one at 18, one at 16, 2 or 3 at 15, plus many more measuring 12-14mm. Now, to go ahead with an IUI we need 3-5 mature follicles measuring 15-20. However, usually they see one or two mature ones with a few smaller ones (12-14mm). I told Cheryl we were ok with converting to IVF, and would much rather do that than cancel the cycle and have all our time and money wasted.
Currently, we are waiting from a call from Cheryl. We are waiting to see how much my Estrogen level jumped, if it didn't increase too much than that means not all the follicles are holding eggs and we'll go ahead with an IUI and plan on multiples.
Or, we'll convert to IVF. Which means more drugs today, egg retrevial on Wednesday and transfer on Monday the 31st. Holy, freakin cow. I've gotten to the point where I don't care what I need to go through, I wanna be a mommy. I want to have my own children, to carry them, to love them, to watch them grown, to hear them call us mommy and daddy. Prayers are always welcome. We're nervous and excited. I'll update once I hear from Cheryl!!!!!!!!!
Here's a description of IUI and IVF...for chose who don't know what I'm tallking about ;-)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Well, I had a missed call when we got home. Cheryl had talked to Dr.Cooper and he wants me to do a injection of 37.5units and come back from an ultrasound on Sunday morning. They don't want all my follicles to grow too much, just the one to grow to about 17mm. If the biggest follicle is 17mm we will do an IUI on Tuesday, if not we'll talk about what to do tomorrow. The biggest concern was that my Estrogen raised from 299 to 8?? (I think it was 897, but can't be sure). With it raising over 500 units in just 2 days, they are worried too many follicles are maturing and we'll have to convert to IVF. I'll update after the appointment tomorrow. Tonight we are watching my friends little boy, Avery, so I need to go play!
Today I time traveled-back to the 1950's, or so it seemed. Jeff has always picked up my meds before because of convenience but today I decided to pick it up. I walked into an old fashioned ice cream parlor with a pharmacy in the back. Honestly, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. There was a bar along one side, with old fashioned ice cream machines, a convenience store style on the other side and then the pharmacy in the back. The pharmacy was lined with old medicine bottles at the top. It was soo adorable and next time I need to pick up drugs, I'm getting ice cream!!
Anyway, the follistim injection was fine. I've had a few ovary pains-mostly from them growing. Also, the last couple days I've had headaches from my follistim. The pharmacist warned me that the progesterone will probably give me headaches for the first week or so....great! The progesterone is actual vaginal suppositories which I have to place inside my hoo-haa twice a day. Fabulous....the joys of fertility treatments.......
Thursday, August 20, 2009
CD 8
Last night I had a bad migraine but with my jewelry party going on tonight I really needed to deep clean the house. Jeff helped out with laundry, vacuuming (he says it’s like mowing, so he can do that-ha), and dishes. After we were finished my head hurt so bad I felt sick. I buried my head in Jeff’s lap and watched the Octomom special. (By the way-she’s an idiot and seems very immature) Anyway…10pm rolls around when we need to do my injections and I was fast asleep with my little Kinsi. I vaguely remember Jeff telling me it was time for my meds but my head hurt so bad I couldn’t even think straight. So, Jeff rolled me over, stuck the needle in my stomach, and rolled me back so I could fall back asleep. I only sort of remember this, but we talked about it in the morning. He is the greatest; I would have totally missed my injection if it wasn’t for him. He’s the best J
Anyway, back to this morning….I picked up Jeff from work at 8:10 and we headed to MIF. My arm is pretty bruised up from all the blood work I’ve been doing so they had to use another tiny vain, which bruised instantly-hope they heal by Saturday or we’ll be in trouble ;-) We had a new nurse, who I didn’t like as well. She was nice and all, but I always felt dumb asking questions-like I should know everything already. Even when I asked for copies of the ultrasound pics, so I could show all you guys on my blog, she thought that was very weird. Oh well…got pics to show anyway! The ultrasound showed my uterine lining was nice and thick and my follicles were defiantly growing! I should have between 3-5 mature follicles (mature meaning 18-20mm) when we trigger (so they will release) and then do the IUI (where the place Jeff’s sperm in me). Right now my right side has about 5 follicles ranging from 10-14mm. My left side has about 6 ranging in size from 10-12 mm. This is all good and dandy, but if all of these continue to mature we will need to convert to IVF. Basically that means instead of me triggering, ovulating, and inseminating me with sperm, they will take my eggs out and fertilize them with his sperm. Once the egg is fertilized and they start to grow they will then be placed into my uterus. Like my mom, your probably wondering why we didn’t just go straight to IVF. For a couple reasons…a.) IUI is much cheaper than IVF b.) IUI is much less intrusive and an easier procedure b.) Usually you try IUI before IVF. Now, although IUI has a 25% chance of success and IVF has a 50% chance of success, we still decided to do an IUI. Now that we’ve gotten to this point though I’m fine with converting. We’ve gotten this far, why now pay the extra cash, do the extra steps and increase our chances of conceiving? We’ll see what the nurse says on Saturday. We have an appointment at 9:10 and we’ll be able to (hopefully) decide on when I’m triggering or if we need to convert. More updates then!
Below is a picture of my right and left ovaries, with my follicles. The big dark circles are the follicle sacs. You can see they are much bigger than my ultrasound before!

Update: Estrogen level was at 299