Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trigger & The best BFF

First, I have to update that tomorrow I'm going in for an ultrasound. The nurse is checking my follies and if their big enough, we'll do a trigger shot this weekend hopefully. Last time I did Femara I didn't O until CD21, so we're trying to trigger and O alot sooner this time! I'll know a ton more tomorrow after my appointment.

The real reason for this post is to brag about my best friend Shawna. She's amazing and always knows what to say. I e-mailed her yesterday when I was having my no good, very bad day. Here's her e-mail back to me. It gave me hope, strength and tears. Love you Shawna!

"honey I am so sorry for what you are going through. I cant imaging the hell that eats inside of you each day. I know that not only are you faced with the huge obsticle of pcos but you have incompassionate people who are not saying and doing the things you need them too. I wish that I had the answers for you. I wish I could help. I wish I could make it all go away for you and make it better. I want you to know that the problems you are going throught are not reflection of you as a person. You are amazing, you are beautiful, you are brilliant, you are one of the most amazing wifes, friends, sisters I have ever seen. And know you have made me a better person. Having you in my life has given me hope that I did not have before. And that speaks volumes to the type of friend you are. I know that you are going to be the most amazing Mother. I am sure that is hard to hear, but I want you to know that there is nothing you have to prove to anyone. You are already spectacular and when you love and care about someone you have the charisma to make them better people, just by being their friend. I pray that you are able to stop feeling bad about yourself. I pray that you give your pain to God to carry on his shoulders and not yours. I pray that you are able to release the suffering you are going through to God. I pray that you are able to see your magnificance and all the lives that you touch in goodness. I pray that you are able to take what you need of each persons comments and statements and block out the stuff you dont need. I pray for compassion for you. And I pray that your prayers are meet. amen

Thank you Lord, for the best friend a girl could ask for!

1 comment:

  1. Jess,
    That is the sweetest email ever - it brought tears to my eyes. You're very lucky and blessed to have a friend like her.
