Thursday, June 25, 2009

CD 16 U/S

Today I go in for my CD16 u/s. I haven't had a postive opk so I guess we'll be doing a trigger this month, if my follicles are ready. Jeff can't go with my today since he has a dentist appointment so I'll have to update him when I get done. Last night we talked about how I just need a 'time line'. So we kind of figured everything out if the next cycles don't work:

July: Femara, Trigger?, IUI

August: Break cycle (since we'll be starting injects)

September: Injectables & IUI

October: Injectables & IUI

November: Injectables & IUI

December/January: IVF

I still can't believe how quickly things are moving along, which is good and bad. Good because the months are moving quickly but bad because every month has been a bust. I also think we'll try atleast one or two IVF cycles before we continue with adoption. My insurance pays for part of the procedure so we'll end up paying about $5k out of pocket, compared to adoption-that isn't too bad. However, it all depends on what our successrate will be, etc. And maybe, we'll get pregnant this month and our timeline won't even matter, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the months ahead.

I also forced myself to change my perspective. I kept making future plans by "but if I'm pregnant then...". I'm going to stop that. I need to live as if we won't have a baby for years and enjoy this time! I need to shop for news clothes, not think, "but I might need maternity clothes soon". I need to plan vacations and trips and enjoy this time with Jeff and I! That's is my mid-year resolution!


  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you're such a strong woman. I don't know how you keep such positive thoughts all the time.

    Good things happen to good people -- you're going to be such a great mommy, Jess.

  2. I'm glad you have a timeline. Stuff like that makes me feel better, too. I hope it ends up being a moot point, but it's good to have a plan. Good luck, Jess!

  3. I really think being able to have a plan helps. Sometimes you can use it to feel in control ;-)

    That said, I hope you don't need it!
