Saturday, August 15, 2009

Good News for Once!!!

I had my CD3 ultrasound this morning at 9:50. Jeff asked me last night and this morning what we were looking for and what the plan was. He repeated each step to me, and which CD things would happen. It's so sweet and encouraging how much he cares and is insterested in this whole process. I'm thankful to have such an amazing hubby! Anyway.....

After waiting in the waiting room forever, ok 25 minutes, my name was finaly called. I undressed and waited for nurse to come, dreading the 'vag cam' because I was still having heavy bleeding. I prepared Jeff for the grossness that was about to come! The uterine lining looked good, and suprisingly the right ovary was producing follices, on it's own!! Whohoo!! Now, I still need to do the injectables but they are lowering the dose to 75, rather than 150. After digging (literaly-ouch!) for my left ovary we saw that it was producing more follicles, just smaller ones. So, all in all, I had a little under 20 follies growing! I will do my first injection tonight and then come back on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for more ultrasounds, monitoring and bloodwork. We are hoping to trigger Saturday or Monday, then IUI 36 hours after trigger. Prayers, prayers, prayers please!!!!!! On our way home from the appoint Jeff said, wouldn't that be awesome if we had a baby? Wow, yes hunny it would. I'm excited, nervous, and trying to learn patience! AH!!!!!!!!! Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Jess, that's excellent news! I'm so happy for you! Praying and hoping for a BFP for you!
